Strumpshaw Fen Slime Moulds & Fungi – April 2023
30 April 2023
In early April the daughter spotted this wonderful, bright yellow Stemonitis flavogenita slime mould.
We were able to observe it’s transformation over the next few days.

As with the Stemonitis we were able to see the transformation of this group orange-pink of Lycogala epidendrum slime mould below :

We came across this log over some boggy ground.

And were very excited to find what we think might be Badhamia utricularis.
The sporangia all seemed to have released their spores and trying to identify using Google image search was fruitless.

These forms do resemble the “bunches of grapes” form that Badhamia utricularis has.

Daldinia concentrica growing out of a branch collar.

Some Enteridium lycoperdon slime moulds – False Puffballs.

The aethalium of the Enteridium lycoperdon above had split to reveal the dark brown spore mass underneath.

Some crumpled Auricularia auricula.

We found what we think was the plasmodial stage of a Stemonitis flavogenita with sporangia beginning to form around the perimeter of the plasmodium.

The fungus below was surely Xylaria polymorpha – Dead Man’s Fingers. The blueish grey bodies and pink-white tips indicate they are in the the asexual reproductive phase? [1][2]

As the Xylaria polymorpha matures it will turn to the familiar brown to black granulated form.
We came back to this Enteridium lycoperdon – below – later in the evening — it’s textured aethalium had become smoother.

And it’s always wonderful to spot Scutellinia.

[1] Xylaria polymorpha at First Nature
[2] Xylaria polymorpha at Fungi Growing on Wood