Strumpshaw Fen Lycogala epidendrum – April 2023
30 April 2023
Edit 10.04.24: Lycogala — epidendrum or terrestre !
During April at Strumpshaw Fen, the daughter & I spotted a number of slime moulds in the reserve woodland including this group of Lycogala epidendrum—Wolf’s Milk—on the morning of 9th April :
There were two groups—one orange and the other orange-pink. You can see the orange-pink group top-left in the photo above.
We poked one of the aethalia blobs to see the orange slime, full of immature spores, ooze out :
The photo below shows the orange-pink group better :
24 hours later the orange group has become orange-pink and the orange-pink group a pinkish buff :
They look kind of cute with the orange-pink opening forming in the aethalia :
In the photo below taken another 24 hours later, the aethalia have turned pale mouse-grey and the openings are becoming more distinct :
And later in the evening, the aethalia had turned ash-grey—notice the aethalia that we had poked two days before with coral slime inside :
Towards the end of April the aethalia had turned olivaceous buff and were open, releasing their spores :
I have use colour descriptions from the Danish Mycological Society (opens in a new tab as a PDF).