Strumpshaw Fen Stemonitis flavogenita – April 2023

30 April 2023
S. flavogenita is alone in the genus in having bright yellow plasmodium rather than the normal white (as its Latin species name implies), but if not seen at this initial stage (just a slimy fragile shapeless mound) this useful clue is missed as all species tend to go through the same colour changes once the stalks and pipe-cleaner shape have formed: first yellowish then gradually pinkish and eventually some shade of cocoa brown

In the morning of 9th April—at Basecamp—the daughter spotted this Stemonitis flavogenita slime mould plasmodium in the process of turning into young sporangia:

Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
9.50am – 9th April 2023
Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
9.50am – 9th April 2023

Adjacent to this group there were some mature, black and rusty-brown sporangia:

Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
9.50am – 9th April 2023

And at the end of our walk—a couple of hours later—we noticed the smaller clumps to the right beginning to form sporangia:

Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
11.15am – 9th April 2023

The next morning, distinct purple-brown sporangia had formed on slender black stems:

Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
9.45am – 10th April 2023

The following evening, the group had dried out and become more black:

Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
19.25pm – 11th April 2023

Towards the end of April, the sporangia had tuned to a rusty-brown colour.

Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
9.25am – 22nd April 2023
Stemonitis flavogenita – Strumpshaw Fen
9.25am – 22nd April 2023