Allotment Lasiosphaeria ovina – April 2024

12 April 2024

On a rotting pallet block I found some Lasiosphaeria ovina (Wooly Woodwart) — as well as a solitary Lycogala epidendrum aethalium.

It was only earlier this year that I first saw this tiny fungus having found it at a Norfolk Fungus Study foray at Broome Heath in February.

The Lasiosphaeria ovina is in the bottom left with the orange-pink Lycogala epidendrum on top.

Pallet block with Lasiosphaeria ovina bottom left & solitary Lycogale epidendrum
Bluebell Allotments – 7th April 2024
Lasiosphaeria ovina on pallet block
Bluebell Allotments – 7th April 2024
Lasiosphaeria ovina on pallet block
Bluebell Allotments – 7th April 2024

The Lycogala a few days later.

Lycogala epidendrum
Bluebell Allotments – 11th April 2024

Location – Bluebell North Allotments, Norwich, Norfolk