Strumpshaw Fen Reticularia lycoperdon Slime Moulds – April 2024
27 April 2024
In early April, after The Outpost we spotted a Reticularia lycoperdon (false puffball) aethalium.
A few days later the peridium had disintegrated exposing the dark brown spore mass.
But next to it another aethalium had developed.
By the middle of the month both had collapsed into a mess of spore, capillitium and residual peridium
Mid–April, before The Outpost – from afar – we spotted a bright blob on a fallen trunk and excitedly raced to see what it was.
It was two Reticularia lycoperdon.
Both were in their early mucilaginous stage with the distinctive cauliflower-like surface.
A week later they were no longer on the trunk — one spore mass had fallen to the ground.
A mass of capillitium and spore.
At the end of the woodland trail we spotted a Reticularia lycoperdon in it’s early mucilaginous stage that we didn’t see again on subsequent visits.
Strumpshaw Fen is an RSPB nature reserve in Norfolk, UK.