Strumpshaw Fen Reticularia lycoperdon – March 2024

31 March 2024

At the Zen Zone in early March we spotted a Reticularia lycoperdon aethalium (false puffball) in it’s early mucilaginous stage with the distinctive cauliflower-like surface.

Reticularia lycoperdon aethalium
The Zen Zone at Strumpshaw Fen – 10th March 2023

The surface quickly smooths over to form a sheeny peridium under which the spores begin to develop. A week later the peridium was completely gone exposing the pale mouse-grey spore mass.

Reticularia lycoperdon spore mass
Strumpshaw Fen – 17th March 2023

And the following week a tangle of capillitium.

Reticularia lycoperdon spore mass remnant
Strumpshaw Fen – 24th March 2023

Edit 27th May 2024 – Changed name from Enteridium lycoperdon to Reticularia lycoperdon which is the current accepted name.